Accounting And Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) will be implementing a new requirement for all companies, unless exempted, to lodge information on their Registers of Registrable Controllers (RORC) with ACRA via BizFile+ with effect from July 2020. This is new addition to the existing requirements for companies to maintain a RORC at the registered office address.
The RORC information lodged with ACRA will be accessible to public agencies in Singapore such as law enforcement agencies. Members of the public will not be able to access the RORC information or purchase any extracts of these lodgements.
Companies are required to continue to maintain a RORC at the registered office address, and update any changes to the RORC information prior to updating the same information with ACRA within two business days.
For more information, please visit ACRA’s website at:
We will be sending letter of authorisation and Register of Registrable Controller in our record for signatories for lodging the RORC information with ACRA.
Please take note that your reply is mandatory and above registers have to be updated. For companies that failed to lodge RORC with ACRA will be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding $5,000.