The responsibilities of company directors, agents or representatives continue to grow. We are able to assist your business to start off right, and help to ensure that it continues to meet the ongoing statutory obligations. We are always accessible and responsive to your needs. Our wealth of experience and high degree of technical knowledge enables us to assist you in handling difficult situation. Entrepreneurs and managers who leave the regulatory compliance work to us are able to better focus on the operations of the business.
The Singapore Companies Act stipulates that all companies incorporate in Singapore must appoint a secretary who is a resident in the city. The role of company secretary is not really secretarial in nature, the prime function of this role is to have a person who is responsible for all of the administrative and reporting requirements. This role needs to be appointed within six months of incorporation and cannot be the sole director (if there is more than one director then a locally resident director can perform this function). To help companies achieve compliance, Exes is able to provide an experienced company secretary.
Comprehensive services rendered by us in this role include:-
To learn more about the ways Exes can work with your company to ensure compliance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by calling (65) 62969919.